life is fast. your fashion can be slow.

What if clothing was more than something we wore? What if a fashion brand could be more than just a "fashion brand?" 

Those are just some of the questions I found myself asking, after over a decade of designing and sourcing professionally in the fashion industry. 

Questions like "How can I create a welcoming space for everyone within a clothing brand?" and "How could clothing help transform someone's self-confidence and find their identity?" were relentless in their persistence and lingered in my mind for years. 

In those years, I saw well-known fashion brands choose to destroy their inventory rather than see it in the hands of someone in need. I've educated myself on the true cost of fashion and worker wage exploitation, and I've watched as countless designers, brands, and corporations turn a blind eye to the footprints our industry leaves behind. Though I could stand on my soapbox and go on for days, I'll only mention briefly the social impact She*n has had on the #haul culture.

Suddenly, I had more questions. 

"How can a clothing brand be on-trend, marketable, and sustainable?" 

"How can sustainable fashion be less price prohibitive?" 

"How can my brand BE MORE?"

And that's the moment B More was born. From a seed of an idea and a love of clothing, to a tree of ideas on ways I could make a difference in this industry and in my community.

My name is Sara Cox. I'm a Nashville native transplanted to Sweet Home Alabama. My love of design started at 7 years old, and over 2 decades later, this love has evolved into a purpose. I strive to design for every body, which may not be for everybody. This is a safe and welcoming space for all gender expressions, race, and ability. 

Love is the greatest vibration on earth. Let's radiate some positivity.

met·a·mor·pho·sis: noun

a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. 


B More is founded on the notion that everything has the potential to evolve. To become something new. That's just as true for our clothing as it is for our personal growth. We are committed to making our planet a better place for all inhabitants. 

Together, we can grow. Together, we can be more. 

All B More products are circular/repurposed, made from sustainable and eco-friendly materials, or are hand-crafted by local makers. All products are priced to reflect the time dedicated to their creation, with a wage of no less than $15/hr. 

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